PliƩ and lunge your way to stronger legs with 8 cardio-barre exercises in this fast-paced, Barre Legs + Cardio Tabata Circuit.
This workout consists of 4 bodyweight Tabata Circuits; each circuit has 2 exercises. Perform each exercise for 20 seconds, repeating each Tabata Circuit x 4 sets before moving onto the next circuit.
Take a 30-60 second break between each Tabata Circuit and repeat the entire workout x 2 sets.
Tabata Circuit 1:
1. Second Position Squat Jack
2. Second Position Plyo Jack
X 4 sets
Tabata Circuit 2:
1. Static Reverse Lunge {2 sets per leg}
2. Reverse Lunge + Front Kick {2 sets per leg}
X 4 sets
Tabata Circuit 3:
1. Chair Squats
2. Chair Star Jacks
X 4 sets
Tabata Circuit 4:
1. Curtsy Lunge + Tap {2 sets per leg}
2. Single-Sided Skater Bound {2 sets per leg}
X 4 sets
*Repeat entire workout x 2 sets
**See video for complete workout and proper exercise form.
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