Punch your way through cardio intervals and take a jab at non-traditional core movements with this cardio barre boxing workout. Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, take a 15 second break and move onto the next exercise. Repeat all 7 exercises x 4 sets. Option to use a set of light dumbbells {2-5 lbs}.

30-Minute Cardio Barre Boxing Workout:

1. Pliè Squat Leg Lift + Punch
2. Skater Punches
3. Alternating Lunge Punch + Row
4. Jack, Jack, Jab, Jab
5. Jab, Jab + Curtsy Lunge
6. Punch + Tap
7. Seated Crunch + Punch

*Repeat x 4 sets.
**See video for complete workout and proper exercise form.

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