This low impact beginner barre workout is for everyone; whether you have bad knees, are pregnant, postpartum, or just need a low impact workout to sculpt and tone at home.

The workout consists of 6 total body toning exercises. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds. Repeat all 6 exercises x 4 sets, taking a 60 second break between sets. Option to use a set of light-to-medium dumbbells {2-8 lbs} and/or add a chair for balance support.

Low Impact Beginner Barre Workout:

1. Front Shoulder Raise + March In Place
2. Pliè Squat + Side Leg Lift
3. Pliè Squat + Back Fly
4. Pliè Pulse + Chest Squeeze
5. Lunge Taps + Tricep Kick
6. Squat + Curl with Knee Raise

*Repeat x 4 sets, taking a 60 second break between sets.
**See video for complete workout and proper exercise form.

For more exercises and workouts you can do anywhere, visit the Nourish Move Love Blog at: