I’m teary reviewing thjs video. Thinking of where we started and how far we’ve come. We fell in love so young (19 and 24). We didn’t know how to communicate and ask important questions.
We have been though times where we have almost broken. We have both wondered if we we were actually going to make it.
Marriage is not a guarantee. We choose each other every day and we work hard on it.
Communication has been the game-changer for us. Out of the two of us, it’s actually me who struggles to communicate my feelings and my needs.
I originally was inspired by a post from @_alexbassan with these questions and so we implemented them and now I’m sharing them with you
I wouldn’t just keep going in my business without doing a review. Why not do a planned monthly review for the things that are most important to me?
I’ve also started asking the kids some of these questions (in kid appropriate language)
What question is your favorite?
Also… Jeff joined me for for today’s pregnancy workout!
#couples #couplesquotes #coupleslove #marriage #marriagetips #marriagewithkids #couplesofinstagram #couplesofinsta #pregnancy #postpartum
Subscribe for new weekly exercises and strategies for your positive birth and easier recovery youtube.com/pregnancyandpostpartumtv
Guide to cope with pain during labor: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/h3j5n2
Pregnancy Workout Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRuFBUMIEg8AKiIJt_o3uk7234iif1TI8
Perineal Massage: https://youtu.be/0d4OwSbkvRI
20 ways to reduce labor pains: https://youtu.be/J8rut0A9wKM
How to push and breathe your baby out: https://youtu.be/kzmgzDCv7Io
I hear hundreds of positive birth stories now and I love hearing how preparing your mind and body makes such a huge difference in your birth. Of course, I'm so excited for you and I really believe you can have your positive birth and beautiful baby!
Pregnancy Meal Plan: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/w5v4m5
Pelvic Floor Guide For Birth Prep: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/n1q6t1
Pregnancy Yoga Cards: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/z7k4x9
Birth Position Printable: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/v3t6i9
Natural Birth Education Playlist:
How to avoid tearing during labor: https://youtu.be/aqLO5esBo0M
Disclaimer: This is general prenatal fitness only. Please check with your doctor or health care provider to see if this video is safe for you. You are responsible for your own safety. Don’t do anything that feels unsafe for you or baby. Stop if you have any pain or discomfort, bleeding, chest pain or shortness of breath, dizziness or if you feel unwell. P&P Health Inc., Pregnancy and Postpartum TV and Jessica Pumple are not liable in any way for any injury, loss, damages, costs or expenses suffered by you in relation to this video or its content.
Jessica Pumple is a registered dietitian, certified pre & postnatal fitness instructor, and pregnancy & postpartum core exercise specialist. She helps pregnant women stay fit, have healthy babies, and easier labors. She helps new moms with postpartum recovery, to heal and strengthen their core and find more energy!
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Copyright P&P Health Inc. 2023. All rights reserved.
Music: shorts library
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