This video contains a simplified, visual explanation of the differences and clinical applications of the Photoelectric and Compton effect.

- There are two major ways in which diagnostic x-rays interact with tissue.
- In the photoelectric effect, a single electron absorbs all the energy of an incident photon, while in the Compton effect, the incident photon only transfers a portion of its energy to an electron.
- The photoelectric effect is the dominant type of interaction in materials with higher atomic numbers, such as contrast agents, bone and lead.
- Compton scattering is the dominant type of interaction in material with lower atomic numbers, such as human tissue and air.

#Photoelectric #Compton #Xray

0:00 Introduction
0:19 What is the photo-electric effect?
1:10 What is the compton effect?
1:30 Compton scattering in X-ray imaging (Image quality, dose, background radiation)
1:47 Summary 1
2:03 Photo-electric effect - When?
2:16 Why lead as shielding material?
2:23 Photoelectric vs. Compton vs. Pair production
2:33 Photoelectric effect in X-ray imaging (contrast)
3:05 K-edge
4:11 Summary 2
4:40 The end