What is nuclear medicine? What is the difference between radiology and nuclear medicine? What is the tracer principle? Difference between PET and SPECT? This video is an introduction to the field of nuclear medicine.

0:00 Introduction
0:34 What is nuclear medicine?
0:52 Difference between radiology and nuclear medicine
1:42 Tracer principle
2:38 Example tracer principle
3:01 PET vs. SPECT
4:37 Take home messages

#PET #SPECT #Nuclearmedicine #Radiology #difference

Music: https://www.bensound.com
- https://somecasesplusmore.wordpress.com/tag/foot-and-ankle/
- https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Illustration-of-PET-and-SPECT-A-Positron-annihilation-in-PET-the-emitted-positron_fig4_51815430