During this beginner cardio workout we will be staying in the fat burning zone by staying at 70% your heart rate max!
If you have a smart watch, you can even track whether you are staying in the fat burn zone or not.

To determine your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220. For example, if you are 30 years old, your maximum heart rate is 220 minus 30 — or 190 beats per minute.
To enter the fat-burning zone, you'd want your heart rate to be 70 percent of 190, which is about 133 beats per minute.

This workout is designed to keep you in your fat burning zone, but of course it can vary from person to person! If you find that your heart rate is lower, try to put a little more pep in your step and increase your effort to get that heart rate up. If you are too high, simplify the moves or walk on the spot to bring your heart rate back down!

The exercises should bring your heart rate slightly above that 70% and walking on the spot will bring it slightly below. So long as you are 5-8 beats around your zone, this workout will be effective and help you burn fat all over!

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