45 Min Low Impact, No Jumping Full Body HIIT workout that will have you breaking a sweat in no time!

Workout Programs + Recipes and more: https://www.skool.com/nobadaddiction

▸ Full Body HIIT Workout
▸ Time: 45 Min
▸ Intervals: 45s On / 15s Rest
▸ No Equipment
▸ No Jumping / Low Impact
▸ Calorie Burn ~ 300-500

IG: https://www.instagram.com/nobadaddiction/
Nora’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/nora.carina13/
Business Inquiries: hello@nobadaddiction.com
Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/vvekd0

Warm Up: 0:00
Round 1: 5:30
Rest: 14:15
Round 2: 14:45
Rest: 24:30
Round 3: 25:00
Rest: 34:45
Round 4: 35:15