Hello everyone! Welcome to Brutal Burpees!

So, in nearly all my HIIT workouts, there are burpees.... why? I love burpees for so many reasons;

• They burn ALOT of calories in short period of time
• Improve overall body composition
• Speed up your metabolism so you keep burning more calories long after you’ve finished your workout!
• Increases your overall endurance and gets your heart rate up significantly very quickly
• Make you stronger as they are full body hitting all muscle groups as you will feel the day after!
• No equipment needed whatsoever!

I love high intensity workouts with structure and a finish in mind as this really motivates me and others I know.

I have completed similar but with different compound moves such as press ups and squats but never burpees!

I would recommend you take a rest day before starting this... and also make sure you can see the counter whether it’s on a clock, your phone or this video as towards the end I couldn’t see my timer due to the sun shining and I didn’t know how long I had left to finish each set (when you really at that difficult stage, you need to know how fast you need to finish those last few reps before beeper goes!)

Another point is ‘know when to stop’. Once you hit the minute when you are failing to complete the reps with good technique and posture even if you feel you could carry on, admit to yourself you’ve worked so hard with as good form throughout as you can and keep it that way! Quality over quantity still applies!

This is the PERFECT HIIT workout to challenge your friends, partner or yourself with! You could even incorporate this into your training once per week to see the progression over a period of time.

Please note: This should be a fun challenge to improve your fitness level. If you experience any lower back pain during these movements simply stop. Please do not simply carry on through pain as this will only aggravate your lower back further.
If you already have existing lower back issues such as hip mobility, burpees may worsen the situation as you flex your lower back twice per rep.

The main points to remember during this challenge are:

• Chest must come to floor
• Soft jump at top of movement with hands quickly raised above head
• Press up from floor or roll depending on level of ability.

And that’s it!

I hope you all enjoy this workout and pass it on to friends to challenge them!

Remember though... you should probably request visual evidence!!

Have fun and let me know what level you get to!
