Starting your workout with a quick warm-up is like giving your body a heads-up that it's time to get moving. It’s a simple way to get your blood flowing and your muscles ready for action. A good warm-up helps you ease into your workout, so you're less likely to feel stiff or uncomfortable when you start. Plus, it can give you a little boost of energy, which can make your workout feel a bit easier.

Warming up only takes a few minutes, but it can make a big difference. It prepares your body for the workout ahead and can help reduce the risk of injury. So, whether you’re about to go for a run, lift some weights, or do any other type of workout, taking a few minutes to warm up is a smart way to start.

A quick warm-up before your workout is like a gentle wake-up call for your body. It gets your muscles ready and sets you up for a more effective workout. You're taking a smart step by adding this to your routine—good luck and have fun!

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00:00 Introduction
00:08 Arm Stretch Right
01:14 Rest
01:32 Arm Stretch Left
02:39 Rest
02:57 Arm Circles
03:26 Rest
03:44 Arm Crossovers
04:18 Rest
04:36 Arm Reach Lunge
05:19 Rest
05:37 Back Squeeze
06:24 Rest
06:42 Chest Fly
07:30 Rest
07:48 Downward Punches
08:36 Rest
08:54 Push Jumps
09:21 Arm Circles
09:40 Punches
10:10 Rest
10:28 Prayer Pushes
11:11 Rest
11:29 Shoulder Shrug
12:36 Rest
12:54 Shoulder Circles
14:01 Rest
14:19 Torso Rotation
15:26 Rest
15:44 Windmill