Working out on a daily basis can actually help prevent your skin from sagging or tighten it if it already is.

Toning your muscles is the first step, probably the healthiest, in lifting flabby skin. This is necessary for when you've lost some body fat and there are some loose skin that you need to work on to get your body in the right shape.

This workout, when done everyday, will give you the best results - and FAST! So good luck, keep exercising, and keep going. Good luck let's go!

**If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Sunday to Friday!


00:00 Punches
00:36 Overhead Reach
01:11 Step Back Jacks
01:58 Rest
02:30 Arm Circles
03:08 Arm Crossovers
03:53 Rest
04:25 Lateral Arm Circles
05:11 Knee Push Ups
05:49 Rest
06:31 T Plank
07:30 Rest
08:12 Tricep Dips
08:58 Rest
09:45 Prayer Pushes
10:43 Rest
11:30 Plank Press Back
12:34 Rest
13:21 Snow Angels
14:11 Rest
14:38 Swing Backs
15:28 Rest
16:10 Windmill
17:03 Forward Calf Raises
17:59 Rest
18:41 Torso Rotation
20:12 Rest
21:13 Step Back Jacks
21:59 Rest
22:31 Arm Circles
23:08 Arm Crossovers
23:53 Rest
24:25 Lateral Arm Circles
25:12 Knee Push Ups
25:50 Rest
26:32 T Plank
27:31 Rest
28:13 Tricep Dips
28:59 Rest
29:46 Prayer Pushes
30:43 Rest
31:30 Plank Press Back
32:34 Rest
33:21 Snow Angels
34:12 Rest
34:39 Swing Backs
35:28 Rest
36:10 Windmill
37:04 Forward Calf Raises
38:00 Rest
38:42 Torso Rotation