A standing workout is a fantastic way to gently focus on belly fat without needing to get on the floor. It’s super easy to follow, making it perfect for those times when you want to stay on your feet and still see results. These movements engage your core and help you feel stronger as you go.

The best part is that a standing workout can easily fit into your daily routine without any hassle. You’ll start to notice progress as you stay consistent, and it’s a great choice if you’re looking for something light yet effective. Just keep moving, and you’ll feel the benefits before you know it!

With this workout, you don’t have to push yourself too hard to see change. It’s all about moving at your own pace and enjoying the journey. You’ll feel amazing and build strength along the way. Good luck and have fun!

**If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Monday to Saturday!


00:00 Introduction
00:12 Body Rotations
00:45 Rest
01:03 Forward Calf Raises
01:41 Rest
01:59 Hip Swirls
02:31 Rest
02:49 Knee Drive
03:13 Rest
03:31 Lateral Steps
04:03 Rest
04:21 Lateral Taps
04:46 Rest
05:04 Leg Kicks
05:32 Rest
05:50 Push Jumps
06:17 Rest
06:35 Punches
07:04 Rest
07:22 Side Leg Raise Right
08:05 Rest
08:23 Side Leg Raise Left
09:07 Rest
09:25 Side Lunge Left
10:22 Rest
10:40 Side Lunge Right
11:37 Rest
11:55 Side Lunge Windmill
12:25 Rest
12:51 Body Rotations
13:28 Rest
13:46 Forward Calf Raises
14:28 Rest
14:46 Hip Swirls
15:18 Rest
15:36 Knee Drive
16:01 Rest
16:19 Lateral Steps
16:50 Rest
17:08 Lateral Taps
17:34 Rest
17:52 Leg Kicks
18:19 Rest
18:37 Push Jumps
19:04 Rest
19:22 Punches
19:51 Rest
20:09 Side Leg Raise Right
20:52 Rest
21:10 Side Leg Raise Left
21:54 Rest
22:12 Running In Place
22:33 Rest
22:51 Side Lunge Left
23:42 Rest
24:00 Side Lunge Right
24:51 Rest
25:09 Side Lunge Windmill
25:36 Rest
25:54 Knee Raises
26:17 Rest
26:43 Hip Swirls
27:11 Rest
27:29 Diagonal Abs Left
28:02 Rest
28:20 Diagonal Abs Right
28:53 Rest
29:11 Torso Twists