In just 14 days, this challenge is designed to help you work towards a slimmer waist, curvier hips, and a flatter stomach. It’s all about consistency and giving yourself the time to focus on your body and goals. Each day, you'll take small steps to tone and shape these areas, and with a little dedication, you'll start to see changes in how you look and feel. Remember, it’s not about perfection, but about progress and taking things one day at a time.

You’ll be able to track your progress and feel good about your efforts throughout the two weeks. It’s normal to feel a little challenged at times, but stick with it—you’ve got what it takes! At the end of the 14 days, you’ll not only notice changes in your body but also feel a sense of accomplishment knowing that you committed to something for yourself. Keep it simple, stay positive, and enjoy the journey!

You're about to start the "14-Day Challenge: Slim Waist, Curvy Hips, Flat Stomach," and you've got this! Take it day by day, and remember, every small step gets you closer to your goal. Keep moving, stay positive, and watch your body transform. Good luck and have fun!

**If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Monday to Saturday!


00:00 Introduction
00:12 Burpee Side Taps
01:22 Rest
01:40 Butt Kicks
02:03 Rest
02:21 Body Extensions
02:51 Rest
03:09 Floor Taps
03:41 Rest
03:59 Lateral Arm Circles
04:25 Rest
04:51 Rise And Plie
05:43 Rest
06:01 Slow Star Jumps
06:34 Rest
06:52 Squat Arm Lifts
07:22 Rest
07:40 Standing Side Crunch Left
08:17 Rest
08:35 Standing Side Crunch Right
09:13 Rest
09:31 Sumo Squat Dip
10:00 Rest
10:26 Swing Backs
11:04 Rest
11:22 Super Mans
12:00 Rest
12:18 Snow Angels
12:56 Rest
13:14 Single Leg Bridge Right
14:07 Rest
14:25 Single Leg Bridge Left
15:18 Rest
15:36 Hip Dips
16:04 Rest
16:30 Toe Touches
17:06 Rest
17:24 Side Plank Pulse Left
17:58 Rest
18:16 Side Plank Pulse Right
18:50 Rest
19:08 Leg Hugs
20:19 Rest
20:37 Leg Drops
21:34 Rest
22:00 Toe Touches
22:36 Rest
22:54 Side Plank Pulse Left
23:28 Rest
23:46 Side Plank Pulse Right
24:20 Rest
24:38 Leg Hugs
25:49 Rest
26:07 Leg Drops