Are you new to working out and looking for a gentle yet effective way to shed some pounds? This 22-minute workout is just what you need. It’s specially designed for beginners and doesn't include any jumping, so you can focus on building strength and burning calories without putting too much strain on your body.

This routine is perfect if you want to start your fitness journey at home. You don’t need any fancy equipment or a lot of space. Just a little bit of time and the desire to get moving. With simple, low-impact moves, you’ll find yourself getting fitter and feeling great. Ready to get started? Let’s make these 22 minutes count!

This "22-Minute No Jumping Weight Loss Workout Perfect for beginners" is a great way to start your fitness journey. It's designed to be gentle and approachable, so you can ease into your routine without feeling overwhelmed. Take each step at your own pace, and remember, every move is a step closer to your goals. Good luck and have fun!

**If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Monday to Saturday!


00:00 Introduction
00:12 Thigh Stretch Left
01:18 Rest
01:36 Thigh Stretch Right
02:43 Rest
03:01 Triangle Fly
03:51 Rest
04:09 Shoulder Shrug
05:16 Rest
05:34 Shoulder Circles
06:41 Rest
06:59 Punches
07:28 Rest
07:46 Lateral Steps
08:17 Rest
08:35 Hip Swirls
09:07 Rest
09:25 Forward Calf Raises
10:08 Rest
10:34 Windmill
11:14 Rest
11:32 Ventral Lunge
12:13 Rest
12:31 Step Back Jacks
12:57 Rest
13:15 Standing Crunch
13:57 Rest
14:15 Side Lunge Left
15:12 Rest
15:30 Side Lunge Right
16:27 Rest
16:45 Side Leg Raise Right
17:29 Rest
17:47 Side Leg Raise Left
18:30 Rest
18:56 Snow Angels
19:34 Rest
19:52 Super Mans
20:30 Rest
20:49 Toe Tap Leg Lifts
21:10 Rest
21:28 Baby Pose