With Microsoft PowerPoint, you can use a self-running presentation to run unattended in a booth or kiosk at a trade show or convention, or you can save it as a video and send it to a client. Learn how to automatically advance slides in a PowerPoint slideshow in this video tutorial from Microsoft.

1. On the Slide Show tab, click Set Up Slide Show.

2. Under Show type, pick one of the following:

- To allow the people watching your slide show to have control over when they advance the slides, select Presented by a speaker (full screen).

- To present your slide show in a window, where control over advancing the slides is not available to the people watching, select Browsed by an individual (window).

- To loop your slide show until the people watching press Esc, select Browsed at a kiosk (full screen).

Learn: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/create-a-self-running-presentation-57fc41ae-f36a-4fb5-94a3-52d5bc466037