Organizational culture is generally a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs that govern how people behave in organizations. Seen in artifacts, values and assumptions of behavior, each company develops its own unique culture based on factors such as its history, products, market, technology, strategy, employees, and management style. Learning the rules of behavior for an organization helps employees be successful. Organizations must share their cultural norms, formally and informally, explicitly and implicitly, with new and existing employees.

Cultural artifacts include things that can be seen, felt, or heard, such as office furniture and layout, slogans, logos, mission statements, dress code, and visible awards and recognition. Organization leaders use artifacts to emphasize company values among their employees. Espoused values are the explicitly understood values of the organization and its employees. Another component of organizational culture is the tacit assumptions made by employees that represent the unspoken rules about “how we do business.” These assumptions are not always conscious or easily known. In fact, employees may spend years with a company before understanding those assumptions, if at all.

Training programs and mentors may help to provide this information to their protégés over time as they help them navigate the organization’s landscape.