Another way of envisioning your career is with protean career theory. This theory provides an additional contrast to the traditional organizational career. That said, protean careers are distinct from boundaryless ones. While many people’s careers are both protean and boundaryless, it is possible for a career to be consistent with one but not the other.

Besides the contrast with traditional careers, another similarity to boundaryless theory is that someone can be protean along one of two distinct dimensions: self-directed or value-driven. Self-direction is one of the defining dimensions of nontraditional careers. This means that individuals proactively manage their careers because of a desire for greater control or because employers are not likely to serve that function.

Similar to the psychological dimension of boundaryless careers, individuals can be protean without having to change employers. The other dimension of protean careers is that they are value-driven. In a value-driven career, a person intentionally makes career decisions such that employment opportunities align with personal values. It follows that those who pursue protean careers are more focused on growth and personal fulfillment and are less concerned with traditional status-oriented measures of success.