In addition to training methods, it is helpful to supplement them with instructional aids to support learning. There are two main reasons to encourage the use of instructional aids. First, communicating information in different ways helps to summarize and/or reinforce the main instructional method. Second, individuals have different preferences for learning and some methods may not work well for everyone. For example, traditional methods of instruction primarily benefit auditory learners.

Though technology has changed, the fundamental instructional method remains the same. This statement is also true when it comes to instructional aids. Many people are accustomed to the PowerPoint presentation as the primary instructional aid. And, PowerPoint is simply a software package that can be replaced. Prezi is a more recent software package that is growing in popularity. Flipcharts have been a popular option among trainers. Flipcharts were particularly useful when a trainer was unsure of whether the room that would be used contained a blackboard, whiteboard, or computer.

Flipcharts provide an easily transported item that could be utilized to write down the main points or discussion topics. Depending on instructor preference, laptops and portable projectors may be used instead. Videos provide a distinct change of pace and are usually very popular with trainees and can be very engaging. Videos can be used to present some or all of the information needed for the case method of instruction. Specialized videos are good to use because they have been either selected or produced to support a learning objective so they usually clearly relate to the topic being trained.