The third level for conducting a training needs analysis is the person level. As the name implies, at this level we decide whether training or development is appropriate for a specific individual. Training and development may be needed to address deficient performance, acquire specific skills or knowledge, develop specific competencies, or enhance an employee’s capability in preparation for a promotion. If training is needed, we can then assess if the individual is trainable. Do they have the capability and motivation they will need to be successful?

Organizations have several options for conducting a person-level needs analysis, including interviews and observation. Technical testing is one of the more direct ways to test employee knowledge, skill and ability. Alternatively, assessment centers provide extremely comprehensive information. They determine the extent of an employee’s current abilities and competencies and readiness for promotion.

Assessment centers and reports tend to focus on development as opposed to training needs. While assessment centers can be used to assess employee motivation, they do not always completely measure trainability. If performance evaluations are given regularly, they provide a great opportunity to determine an employee’s training and development needs, though this is limited slightly by their design and purpose. They are used frequently to determine merit increases, and it is difficult to frame descriptions of employee performance that would make it useful for developmental purposes but wouldn’t also adversely affect a merit raise.

In person level analysis, it is important to assess an individual’s motivation to engage in training and development. This is their trainability. Employees who want to learn are generally more successful in a training or development program so it’s helpful to understand what is motivating them. What motivates people to act is that they are missing something that they need or value. They engage in behaviors that will they feel that will enable them to achieve it.