Coaching, which includes counseling, should generally be the first step in dealing with a problem employee. Deviance is negative voluntary behavior of problem employees that violates significant organizational norms, threatens the well-being of the organization, and is costly. Deviant behavior includes rudeness, stealing, violence, vandalism, frequently withholding effort, showing up late, leaving early, and absence from work.

Discipline is corrective action to get employees to meet standards and standing plans. The major objective of discipline is to change behavior. Secondary objectives may be to let employees know that action will be taken when requirements are not met and maintain authority when challenged using coercive power. The human resources department handles many of the disciplinary details and provides written disciplinary procedures. These procedures usually outline grounds for specific sanctions and dismissal, based on the violation.

Punishment usually varies with the severity of the violation. Many organizations have a series of progressively more severe disciplinary actions. The progressive disciplinary steps are oral warning, written warning, suspension, and dismissal. The steps in the discipline model should be followed when employees must be disciplined.