The steps in the control systems process are (1) set objectives and standards, (2) measure performance, (3) compare performance to standards, and (4) correct or reinforce. The same control systems process steps should be followed on an organizational level. Set objectives and standards. Setting objectives is the starting point for both planning and controlling.

Set objectives and standards. Setting objectives is the starting point for both planning and controlling. Measure performance. An important part of control monitoring is measuring performance. Compare performance to standards. Set times to check in and monitor progress by following up by comparing the actual results to the objective or standard in order to know if you are on schedule to achieve the objective.

A performance or variance report is commonly used to measure and evaluate performance. Performance reports usually show standards, actual performance, and deviations from standards. Correct or reinforce. If you are not meeting the objective, fix it quickly.  Take action to improve. If you are, give positive reinforcement to continue meeting standards. When performance has affected others, also use damage control.