Job and group roles are different, and they can change. Job roles are shared expectations, group roles are the roles used through group process. For high levels of performance, roles should be integrated. The three primary group roles are group task roles, group maintenance roles, and self-interest roles.
Group task roles are played by members who do and say things that directly aid in the accomplishment of the group’s objectives. Group maintenance roles are played by members who do and say things to develop and sustain the group process with cooperative behavior to benefit others or the entire team. Self-interest roles are played by members who do and say selfish things (often hidden agendas) that help themselves at the expense of other members or the entire group.
To be effective, a group must have members who play task roles and maintenance roles while minimizing self-interest roles. If you are a manager or team member, you should be aware of the roles the group members play. If no member is playing the task or maintenance role required at a given time, you should play the role. Try to create a win-win situation by balancing personal and organizational interest.