Progress is impossible without change. Change is faster than ever, and the period between 2015 and 2020 is poised to redefine virtually every facet of how we live and work. Thus, company recruiters seek employees with the skill of adaptability to change. In this section, we discuss the innovation and change interrelationship and risk, the forces for change, and types and forms of change.

Creativity is a way of thinking that generates new ideas and that creativity can lead to innovation. Innovation is the implementation of a new idea. But creativity doesn’t count until it is implemented through innovation. Two important types of innovation are product innovation (new things goods/services) and process innovation (new ways of doing things). Thus, all innovations require some changes to be made in the organization.

Organizational change is alterations of existing work routines and strategies that affect the whole organization. Innovation requires risks, and successfully fast-growing companies are greater innovative risk takers, as they take advantage of opportunities. Unfortunately, failing to take risks and change with the environment can lead to a decline.