Strong, healthy cultures don’t happen by accident, and it’s not easy; they are taught. Symbolic leaders articulate a vision for an organization and reinforce the culture through slogans, symbols, and ceremonies. Organizational culture can be managed by drawing continual attention to its six artifacts. If any of these artifacts of a strong, healthy culture are missing or weak, top management can work to strengthen the culture. Strengthening an organizational culture is an ongoing process.
Organizational cultures often need to be changed to ensure organizational success. However, changing cultures is not easy. The learning organization is not a program with steps to follow. It’s about managing and changing the culture to adapt to the ever-changing environment. A learning organization has a culture that values sharing knowledge so as to adapt to the changing environment and continuously improve.
The learning organization is based on knowledge sharing to improve. Everyone you meet in your personal and professional life knows more about something than you do. So your job is to get them to pass that knowledge on to you so you can continually improve yourself.