This video guides about how to reset youtube recommendations.

Resetting your YouTube recommendations helps you discover new and relevant content by clearing out unwanted or outdated video suggestions.

To learn how to clear youtube recommendations, simply follow the step-by-step guide.

Here are the Steps to Reset Recommendations on YouTube:

1. Open YouTube and make sure you are logged in.

2. Click on the "History" tab in the left sidebar.

3. Click on "Manage All History" in the right panel.

4. Beside YouTube Watch and Search history, click on "Delete" button.

5. Select "Delete All Time" from the sub-menu.

6. Confirm by clicking on "Delete" button at the bottom right corner.

So that's how to clear youtube recommendations.

Resetting your YouTube recommendations helps ensure you're seeing content that genuinely interests you, leading to a more enjoyable and personalized viewing experience.

Ask me in the comments section below in case of any issue during the whole process.


Is there a way to reset my YouTube recommendations
How do I remove YouTube recommendations
How to reset YouTube recommendations in 2024
How do I clear my YouTube recommendations