We need to become more culturally competent. Although effective management of diversity remains an elusive goal, it is difficult to get a diversity of employees to get along at work. Here we discuss how organizations and you can improve your global diversity competency.

Inclusion must be part of managers' jobs starting with the CEO down. Companies need active policies and practices to promote diversity. The policies and practices should promote a diversity climate of inclusion that is part of the organizational culture. Records of diverse group hiring and promoting should be kept, and efforts should be made to help these groups succeed in the workplace, often called a diversity audit.

In promoting diversity, organizations need to follow all EEO laws, and have high standards and hire and advance the most qualified candidates. But given equal qualifications for the job, the diverse candidate (who in some cases will be a white male, such as in nursing) can be given the job to support diversity. Make sure diverse employees have access to the same job training and other practices at work to have equal opportunities to advance.
Also, have diversity training for all employees.

Diversity training teaches people how to get along better with diverse workers through inclusion. It helps diverse people to talk about bias and better understand each other by becoming aware of and more empathetic toward people different from themselves. Training breaks down negative stereotypes and builds acceptance of differences, viewing people as individuals, and realizing that diversity improves teamwork and organizational performance.