The manifest needs theory of motivation is primarily McClelland’s classification of needs as achievement, power, and affiliation. It is a personality-based approach to motivation. David McClelland does not have a classification for lower-level needs. His affiliation needs are the same as social and relatedness needs, and power and achievement are related to esteem and self-actualization and growth.
Unlike Maslow, he believes that needs are based on personality and are developed as people interact with the environment. All people possess the need for achievement, power, and affiliation, but to varying degrees. One of these three needs tends to be dominant in each one of us and motivate our behavior.
People with a high need to achieve tend to be characterized as: wanting to take personal responsibility for solving problems; goal-oriented (they set moderate, realistic, attainable goals); seeking challenge, excellence, and individuality; taking calculated, moderate risks; desiring concrete feedback on their performance; willing to work hard. Need for achievement is correlated with performance. Managers tend to have a high, but not a dominant, need to achieve.
People with a high need for power tend to be characterized as: wanting to control the situation; wanting influence or control over others; enjoying competition in which they can win (they do not like to lose); willing to confront others. People with high need for power tend to have a low need for affiliation. Managers tend to have a dominant need for power.
People with a high need for affiliation tend to be characterized as: seeking close relationships with others; wanting to be liked by others; enjoying lots of social activities; seeking to belong (they join groups and organizations). They tend to have a low need for power. They also tend to avoid supervision because they like to be one of the group rather than its leader. Note that pay is important and can meet both higher- and lower-level needs. Many companies are meeting relatedness needs by creating a fun place to work.