You will have better communications and human relations if you can deal with emotional employees effectively. When dealing with an emotional person, don’t argue. And don’t return the negative behavior. When someone is emotional, don’t make dismissive or patronizing comments.

Don’t try to make the person feel guilty or bad with statements that express your disappointment. These types of statements only make the feelings stronger. While you may get the person to be quiet, effective communication will not take place. And your human relations will suffer.

Recall that strong emotions are a barrier to communications because people can’t think and talk logically when they are highly emotional. Being logical with them doesn’t work because when we are highly emotional, it doesn’t matter what we know or don’t know; all that counts is what we feel.

Therefore, we have to first deal with the emotion and calm them, and then deal with the content of the issue to resolve any conflicts. To calm emotional people, encourage them to express their feelings in a positive way by being empathic and using reflective responses. However, if emotions are too strong (yours or theirs), it may be wiser to wait until a later time after emotions cool down.