A person’s values are the things that have worth for or are important to the individual. A value system is the set of standards by which the individual lives. An important life question is, What is of value to you? Take time and identify what is truly important to you, at both work and at home.

Organizations recruit people with values that match the firm’s. To be happy, choose a place that fits your values. Values are developed in much the same way as attitudes. However, values are more stable than attitudes. Attitudes reflect multiple, often changing, opinions. Values about some things do change, but the process is usually slower than a change in attitude. Society influences our value system.

What was considered unacceptable in the past may become commonplace in the future, or vice versa. For example, the percentage of smokers and the social acceptance of smoking have decreased over the years. Value changes over the years are often a major part of what is referred to as the generation gap. Do you place a high value on relationships? Getting to know people and understanding their values can improve human relations.

Discussions over value issues rarely lead to changes in others’ values. They usually just end in arguments. Therefore, you should try to be open-minded about others’ values and avoid arguments that will only hurt human relations.