An attitude is a strong belief or feeling toward people, things, and situations. If you are stuck in an unpleasant situation that you can’t change, having a poor negative attitude will only make the situation more unpleasant. You can choose to be and learn to be either optimistic or pessimistic. You can choose to have a positive attitude and be happier and get more out of life. The following hints can help you change your attitude.

Remember that what you think about affects how you feel, and how you feel affects your behavior, human relations, happiness, and performance. Be aware of your attitudes. People who are optimistic have higher levels of job satisfaction. Consciously try to have and maintain a positive attitude.

Realize that there are few, if any, benefits to harboring negative attitudes, such as holding a grudge. They can only hurt your human relations, and hurt yourself in the end. Keep an open mind. Don’t have a negative attitude toward people because they look or act differently than you do.

It is difficult to change your own attitudes; it is even more difficult to change other people’s attitudes. But it can be done. The following hints can help you, as a manager, change employee attitudes. Give employees feedback and treat them fairly. Employees must be made aware of their negative attitudes if they are to change. The manager must talk to the employee about the negative attitude and offer an alternative.

Accentuate positive conditions. Make working conditions as pleasant as possible, and make sure employees have all the necessary resources and training to do a good job.