Our image is other people’s attitudes toward us. Professional image is the total of others’ perceptions of our competence and character in the workplace, which is needed to achieving social approval, power, and career success. Image can be thought of as being on a continuum from positive to negative.

Impression or image management are techniques used to control how we are perceived by monitoring how you are perceived to develop, control, and maintain positive impressions with others. Our image is developed by our appearance, nonverbal communications, and behavior that we can manage to project a positive image. If you project a positive image during a job interview, you greatly increase your chances of getting the job offer.

Your facial expressions, eye contact, and handshake all project your image, as does the tone and the volume of your voice. Your nonverbal and verbal communication are critical to your image. Perceptions of our intelligence are often based on our communications. Facial expressions convey feelings more accurately than words. One of the guidelines to human relations is to smile. It is especially important when you first meet someone; you want to project a positive, caring image.

After people notice your appearance and nonverbal expressions, they observe your behavior. As stated earlier in the guidelines to effective human relations, while talking to the person, be upbeat and optimistic, don’t complain, show a genuine interest, smile, laugh if appropriate, call the person by name, listen, be helpful, and think before you act. During the four-minute barrier, avoid discussing controversial topics and expressing personal views about them.

Remember that what you think about affects how you feel, and how you feel affects your behavior, human relations, and performance. So think happy, confident thoughts and you will act and be perceived positively. Make it a habit to make a good first impression and ongoing image.