We should realize that it matters how others perceive us. When people meet they form quick impressions of each other. Social psychologists call this process the primacy effect. The primacy effect is the way people perceive one another during their first impressions.

These first impressions establish the mental framework within which people view one another, which affect the development of their relationship, so first impressions do matter, a lot. Employers are searching social media sites to get a first impression of you as a job candidates. A good professional image can lead you to a job, whereas a nonprofessional image tends to take you out of consideration for the job.

The four-minute barrier is the time we have to make a good impression. It is called the four-minute sell because it is the average time during which people make up their minds to continue the contact or separate during social situations. However, in business and social situations, the time could be less. Some say first impressions are developed between two, yes two, seconds and two minutes, and they are essential for your success. During this short period of time, your relations will be established, denied, or reconfirmed.

Have you ever disliked someone as a result of first impressions that linger to the present time? On the other hand, can you recall meeting someone you disliked at first, but once you got to know the person, you changed your impression? First impressions usually linger, but they can be changed.