Our capacity to learn new things is an important aspect of our intelligence. However, we have different preferred learning styles. People learn based on two personality dimensions or types—feeling versus thinking and doing versus observing. Even though you have a preferred learning style, you cannot always use it. If an instructor spends more time completing skill-building exercises, some people will be using their preferred learning style and using their feelings or thoughts when being actively involved.

On the other hand, if an instructor spends more time lecturing on the material and showing films, others will be using their preferred learning style, while emphasizing feelings or thinking. Your instructor’s preferred learning style will most likely influence the way he or she teaches a course. There is no best learning style; each has its own pros and cons.

You probably realize that you have one preferred learning style, but you also have characteristics of other styles as well. People with similar personalities and learning styles tend to get along better than those who are different.