A Type A personality is characterized as fast moving, hard driving, time conscious, competitive, impatient, and preoccupied with work. Because a Type B personality is the opposite of Type A, often it is called laid-back or easygoing. The Type A personality is commonly associated with a high level of stress, so we discuss it further in the section on causes of stress.

Locus of control is a continuum representing one’s belief as to whether external or internal forces control one’s destiny. People with an external locus of control (externalizers) believe that they have little control over their performance and are closed to new experiences. Internalizers believe they are in control and are open to new experiences to improve performance.

Do you believe that you determine your own career success? The importance of an internal locus of control cannot be overstated; it determines your level of satisfaction with self, your stress level, and your career path. Thus, it is absolutely significant that you embrace the message that you control your own destiny and take responsibility for your success.

If you believe that if you try hard, it doesn’t matter, that you cannot be successful, you will most likely be unhappy, give up easily, and not have a successful career. Successful people know that they are in control of their lives, and they are happy and successful because they work at it. Successful people have lots of failures, but they keep trying.