Organizations realize that generally happy and engaged workers do a better job. Work relationships form the foundation of an array of processes, such as how managers and employees lead and how we manage our careers.

If you want to get ahead in an organization, it is important to do a good job. But it is also important that people like you. If people like you, they will forgive just about anything you do wrong. If they don’t like you, you can do everything right and it will not matter. Many hardworking, talented people have been bypassed for promotion and fired simply because their bosses or other high-level managers didn’t like them.

People who are optimistic and grateful for what they have and focus on the good things in their lives are happier, healthier, and less stressed. Ungrateful people tend to be dissatisfied with what they have and are never happy because no matter how much they get, it is never enough. People generally don’t like to listen to others complain. People often avoid complainers, and you should too. Associating with complainers will only depress you. Don’t go around criticizing (putting people down), condemning, or spreading rumors.

Think about your favorite boss and friends. One of the reasons you like them is that they show a genuine interest in you. One of the reasons people fail is the “it’s all about me” syndrome. People who feel as though you don’t care about them will not come through for you. What is really important is to be able to truly care about other people and to sacrifice for them.

A smile shows interest and caring. When we smile, we feel happier; and when we feel angry, we act that way and tend to hurt relationships. Has anyone ever smiled at you and it made you happier? Well, pass it on.
Develop a sense of humor. Relax, laugh, and enjoy yourself. Likable people do not take their jobs or themselves too seriously.

Human relations is about how we behave and treat others. The goal of human relations is to create win–win situations. The best way to get what you want is to help other people get what they want and vice versa.