The best-known method for creativity improvement is brainstorming, which you have probably already done. Although brainstorming is often condemned as being superficial, it remains a key idea-generation method for even the most advanced technology companies. Furthermore, brainstorming is as much entrenched into business life as are job interviews and problem-solving meetings.

Although it is useful to bring in employees from different departments to the brainstorming sessions, in-depth expertise on the subject may be as important as diversity in generating innovative ideas. It is important to make sure that participants are prepared by studying the problem beforehand. Follow through in terms of implementing the best ideas is essential. If the good ideas are not implemented, brainstorming participants might become disillusioned and less inclined to share their creative thinking in the future.

Brainstorming, much like other creative problem-solving techniques, works best in an organizational culture that fosters innovation. It is an integral part of the famous design firm IDEO, Inc., whose employees believe passionately in innovation. As a result, they are able to argue about alternative solutions to problems yet still unite to produce an effective design.