Engagement and meaningfulness of work are closely related. Recent research suggests that engagement is a positive motivational state directed toward obtaining meaningfulness at work. A key driver of worker engagement therefore is the opportunity to perform meaningful work, the feeling of doing work that matters or makes a difference. Engagement is facilitated when employees understand how their output makes a contribution to the organization and the larger world.

The opportunity to make an impact in the following four areas is the most likely to increase the meaningfulness of work for employees: On society—including making a better society, building the community, or managing resources carefully. On the customer—for example, making life easier for customers and providing a superior service or product. On the workgroup or team—for example, having a sense of belonging, a caring environment, or working collectively in an efficient and effective manner. On themselves—including personal development, higher financial compensation, and a sense of empowerment.

A major way in which leaders can make work highly meaningful for subordinates is to provide them with the opportunity to lead projects or task forces. Such leadership opportunities enhance engagement of the heads of the projects or task forces.