Top-level leaders exert many of their influence attempts to bring about changes throughout the entire organization, often by attempting to overhaul the organizational culture. One such change would be attempting to influence a culture that was too collaborative to make decisions more quickly and independently, or the reverse.

A leader might do the following to bring about change as well as ensuring that a healthy corporate culture is maintained. Impose a new approach through executive edict. Establish a reward system that reinforces the culture, such as giving huge suggestion awards to promote an innovative culture. Foster understanding and conviction by helping people throughout the organization understand why the change is necessary.

Hold people accountable for the changes in behavior that support the cultural shift. If leadership decides that customer service should receive top priority, employees at all levels should be measured on customer service in their reviews. Select candidates for positions at all levels whose values mesh with the values of the desired culture. Many firms hire only those candidates whose work and school experience suggest that they might be good team players—a cultural value.

Sponsor new training and development programs that support the desired cultural values. Among many examples, top management might sponsor diversity training to support the importance of cultural diversity. A leader who exhibited all of these behaviors would qualify as a transformational leader because of all the positive changes.