Organizational development is a collection of methods that try to improve organization effectiveness. OD methods value human and organizational growth, collaborative and participative processes, and a spirit of inquiry. The change agent may take the lead in OD, but there is a strong emphasis on collaboration. T-groups refers to an early method of changing behavior through unstructured group interaction. Interventions such as diversity training and team-building exercises are descendants of this early OD intervention technique.

One tool for assessing the attitudes of organizational members, identifying discrepancies among member perceptions, and solving differences is the survey feedback approach. Everyone in an organization can participate in survey feedback about their perceptions and attitudes on a range of topics, including decision-making practices; communication effectiveness; and satisfaction.

Team building uses high-interaction group activities to increase trust and openness among team members, improve coordination efforts, and increase team performance. A major area of concern in OD is dysfunctional conflict among groups. Intergroup development seeks to change groups’ attitudes and perceptions about each other.