Team composition category includes variables that relate to how teams should be staffed. As you can expect, opinions vary widely about the type of members leaders want on their teams, and some evidence suggests that compositions may be more important at different stages of team development. A team’s performance depends in part on the knowledge, skills, and abilities of individual members. Abilities set limits on what members can do and how effectively they will perform on a team.

When solving a complex problem, high-ability teams—composed of mostly intelligent members—do better than lower-ability teams. High-ability teams are also more adaptable to changing situations. Smart team leaders help less intelligent team members when they struggle with a task. A less intelligent leader can, conversely, neutralize the effect of a high-ability team. Personality significantly influences individual behavior. Conscientious people are good at backing up other team members and sensing when their support is truly needed.

Team composition can be based on individual personalities to good effect. Task conflict enhances performance for teams with high levels of emotional stability. Open team members communicate better with one another and throw out more ideas, which makes teams composed of open people more creative and innovative. Teams have different needs, and members should be selected to ensure that all the various roles are filled. Most experts agree that keeping teams small is key to improving group effectiveness.