One of the biggest challenges to maintaining employee well-being is the new reality that many workers never get away from the virtual workplace. While communication technology allows many technical and professional employees to do their work at home or on the beach in Tahiti, it also means that many feel like they’re not part of a team. Another challenge is that organizations are asking employees to put in longer hours. According to one study, one in four employees shows signs of burnout, and two in three report high stress levels and fatigue.

Employee well-being is challenged by heavy outside commitments. Millions of single-parent employees and employees with dependent parents face significant challenges in balancing work and family responsibilities, for instance. As a result of their increased responsibilities in and out of the workplace, employees want jobs that give them flexibility in their work schedules so they can better manage work–life conflicts.

Organizations that don’t help their employees achieve work–life balance will find it increasingly difficult to attract and retain the most capable and motivated individuals. The field of OB offers a number of suggestions to help employees deal with work–life conflicts.