The changing demographics of the workforce present both opportunities and challenges to HRD professionals. One of the challenges is seeking to remove all causes of discrimination. HRD professionals must be willing to confront the underlying assumptions, beliefs, and attitudes that foster bigotry and stereotyping that exist within their organization. They should examine their organization’s practices in the areas of socialization, orientation, career development, and sexual and racial harassment.

Socialization as the process by which an individual becomes an insider through assimilating the roles, norms, and expectations of an organization. A new employee’s initial experiences in an organization are particularly significant in influencing later decisions about career choices and whether to remain in an organization. Most succession planning and career development programs do not explicitly deal with the special concerns of a culturally diverse workforce. More direct action should be taken to modify career development systems.

Reports of sexual and racial harassment have remained high over the past thirty years. Organizations must take affirmative steps to deal with this problem at the workplace.