There are many options for conducting management training and development. Many training techniques are available, including case studies, experiential exercises, and assessment centers. And, there are a whole host of training topics, including leadership, motivation, decision making, cultural training, and ethics. Leadership has been one of the most heavily researched and popularly discussed topics in management and psychology. There is a wide array of leadership theories seeking to describe and predict effective leadership attributes.

Leadership development in organizations, although not always theory-based, has seen a number of high profile changes that have been driven by organizations’ need to compete in a turbulent, uncertain environment. One approach to leadership development can be referred to as leaders developing leaders. This trend is signified by the frequent involvement of CEOs and senior managers in developing a group of leaders within their organizations.

Behavior modeling typically involves five steps: modeling, retention, rehearsal, feedback, and transfer of training. During the modeling phase, trainees are often shown a video clip in which a model performs the behavior to be learned. The desired behavior is broken into a series of learning points, or key behaviors that make up the overall behavior.