Organizations have a wide range of possible career development tools and activities from which to choose. Some of these, such as self-awareness workshops, are intended primarily for career planning and development, while others, such as recruitment, are a part of normal HR management activities. Self-assessment activities, such as career planning workshops, focus on providing employees with a systematic way to identify capabilities and career preferences. Self-assessment is best used as a first step in the process.

Career planning workshops focus on self-discovery, discussions with a facilitator and other participants, identification of possible career directions and opportunities, and career goal setting. Individual career counseling involves one-on-one discussions between an employee and an organizational representative. Sessions can range from brief, informal talks, to a series of discussions with a manager or counseling professional.

Counseling can also be used for employees who are approaching retirement, are about to be laid off, or are terminated. Outplacement counseling focuses on assisting terminated employees in making a transition to a new organization. Employees engaged in career planning need accurate environmental information in addition to an accurate self-assessment. To this end, an organization should provide employees with information about available job opportunities. Organizations have an interest in ensuring that they have individuals who are ready to fill key positions when they become vacant. To this end, many organizations evaluate the promotability, of managerial, professional, and technical employees.

Developmental programs include job rotation, in-house HRD programs, external workshops and seminars, tuition assistance and reimbursement plans, and mentoring programs. These programs provide employees with opportunities to learn new ideas and skills, thus preparing them for future positions.