Personal problems like stress, drug and alcohol abuse, cardiovascular disease, and mental illness abound in modern society. Whether these problems are chronic, as in the case of alcoholism, or situational, as in the case of financial problems, they can affect behavior at work as well as in one’s personal life. In addition to reducing healthcare costs, employers’ efforts to improve employees’ well-being are also intended to reduce absenteeism, turnover, accidents, and enhance morale, loyalty, creativity, and productivity.
With a shortage of skilled workers, many organizations have adopted the HR strategy that it is better to retain and help current workers with problems than to discard them and be faced with recruiting new ones. In addition to traditional HR activities like training and motivational programs, organizations are also making a major investment in providing employee counseling and wellness services as a way to promote employees’ well-being. Many organizations support employee counseling and wellness programs as a way to ensure employees’ well-being.