Having all the elements needed to implement an HRD intervention or program the final step is to do it. It is important for a trainer to get the program off to a good start and maintain it. If there are to be multiple sessions, the first one sets the tone for the remainder of the program. A trainer can establish clear expectations by preparing a course outline or syllabus that explains the purpose, objectives, topics, and requirements that establish class norms for relevant issues.

In addition to establishing expectations, the trainer should try to determine each trainee’s capacity and motivation to learn if this was not done before the session. It may be beneficial to include activities that reinforce motivation, like asking participants what they’d like to accomplish, illustrating the benefits of achieving the training objectives, or having participants complete a learning contract. Many training programs include some sort of ice-breaker exercise or opening connection questions, to help participants get to know each other and establish rapport with each other and the trainer.

A trainer should make every effort to build a climate characterized by mutual respect and openness. This in turn will make it easier for trainees to seek help when they need it. There are many skills involved in effectively running a group meeting and in facilitating learning. We encourage you to read about the subject and seek out opportunities to build platform and interpersonal skills. Professional journals like T&D and Training include frequent articles on effective training skills.