An important implementation decision concerns the arrangement of the physical environment. The environment is particularly important to on-the-job training because a trainee must feel comfortable enough to concentrate and learn. Trainers should find ways to remove or minimize distractions that interfere with the training. In a classroom setting, a number of factors should be considered when arranging the physical environment. Seating is important because it establishes a spatial relationship between the trainer and the trainees.

The physical comfort level is also important for successful learning. Extremes in room temperature can inhibit learning. A trainer should inspect a room in advance if possible to determine whether any noise, lighting, or physical barriers will interfere with planned activities. If such problems exist, it may be possible to find a more suitable location. Equipment for visuals like screens, whiteboards or flipcharts should be arranged to facilitate seamless transitions.

Computers and other technology should be tested in advance to ensure that they work as intended during the training program. The whole notion of asynchronous learning arises with online learning.