Computer-based training (CBT) can be conducted using a classroom, or via an individual, self-paced format. Computers and other advances in technology have had an enormous impact on the delivery of training in organizations. Increasingly, e-learning is combining elements of instructor-led and self-paced learning. The interaction between learner and computer in many CBT programs mirrors the one-on-one relationship between student and tutor: questions and responses go back and forth, resulting in immediate feedback.

An additional advantage of technology-based training is that it is well suited to on-demand learners, that is, trainees who need (and increasingly demand) greater control over when and how training is delivered. Computer-aided instruction (CAI) programs are available at relatively low cost for a wide range of material, from teaching basic skills such as reading and typing to highly technical scientific, engineering, and machine maintenance topics. CAI’s self-pacing feature that allows trainees to control the speed of instruction and makes them self-sufficient learners.

Intranet-based training (IBT) uses internal computer networks for training purposes. Through their organization’s intranet, HRD professionals can communicate with learners; conduct needs assessment and other administrative tasks. Intelligent computer-assisted instruction (ICAI), sometimes also called intelligent tutoring systems, goes beyond CAI in terms of flexibility and the ability to qualitatively evaluate learner performance. Artificial intelligence research is uncovering ways to improve ICAI programs’ capability to use natural language to interact with and understand learners (by tracking responses and learning from them).

Artificial intelligence research is finding ways to improve ICAI programs capability to understand learners.