The discussion method involves in two-way communication among the trainer and trainees. Because active participation is encouraged, the discussion method offers trainees an opportunity for feedback, clarification, and sharing points of view. The success of this method depends upon the ability of the trainer to initiate and manage class discussion by asking good questions. Direct questions can be used to illustrate or produce a very narrow response.

Reflective questions can be used to mirror what someone else says to make sure their message is received as intended. Open-ended questions can be used to challenge the trainees to increase their understanding of a specific topic. Most recommend the greatest use of open-ended questions, since these encourage creativity, with minimal use of direct or leading questions. Good questions should create clarity and help people think critically. The trainer should reinforce trainee responses. Respect and acknowledgement should be given to all responses—even those that are not exactly what the facilitator may be looking for at that point in the discussion.

Managing discussion in large training classes can be difficult. Dividing a large class into smaller discussion groups, which can then share their ideas with other groups, can increase the opportunity for discussion. Sufficient time must be available for meaningful discussion to take place and trainees need to have a common reference point for meaningful discussion to occur. A skilled facilitator is needed to manage the discussion process.