After training methods have been selected, the next logical step is to prepare or purchase training materials. If a training program is purchased from an outside vendor, training materials such as books, handouts, and videos will usually be part of the package. Programs designed in-house will require the preparation of materials. If the program is similar to past training programs, those materials may simply need to be modified to fit the current program.

Program announcements inform the target audience about a training program. The announcement should indicate the purpose of the program, when and where it will be held, and how the employee can participate. Program outlines (or course syllabi) are documents that communicate the content, goals, and expectations for a program. These usually include things like course objectives, agenda, and materials needed. Most trainers rely on a training manual or textbook for basic instructional material, readings, exercises, and self-tests. Some documents are organized into modules that make it easy to organize the training program into sessions.

Training manuals can be readily produced by an organization, particularly given the availability of desktop publishing software. The production cost will include staff time for curriculum design and writing, cost of equipment, and printing. It is usually less expensive in the long run to purchase a commercially produced manual, if one is available.